EEA grants culture
Logo for the EEA Grants
Cultural cooperation through the EEA and Norway Grants will contribute to reduce economic and social disparities in Europe, as well as strenghten the European cultural sector with particular focus on cultural entrepreneurship. The culture programmes will also strengthen the bilateral relations between the countries in Europe.
The EEA and Norway Grants are Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway's contribution to reducing economic and social disparities in Europe and to strengthening bilateral relations with 15 beneficiary countries in Northern, Central and Southern Europe. A total of 2.79 billion euro has been set aside under the Grants for the project period 2014 to 2021. All projects funded by the Grants must be completed by 30 April 2024.
Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe
The funding targets areas where there are demonstrable needs in the beneficiary countries in line with national priorities and wider European goals. The key areas of support for the EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 are:
- Innovation, research, education and competitiveness
- Social inclusion, poverty reduction and youth employment
- Environment, energy, climate change and the low-carbon economy
- Culture, civil society, good governance and fundamental rights
- Justice and home affairs
Strengthening bilateral relations between the beneficiary countries and the donor states is an objective of the Grants. Cooperation between European countries brings mutual benefits – for institutions and organisations in both the donor as well as the beneficiary countries.
Cultural cooperation
The EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021 contribute with 177 million euro for culture and cultural heritage programmes in nine beneficiary countries. Of this, 40 million euro go to cultural cooperation projects with a focus on co-production of art and culture, audience development and cultural cooperation.
For further details on the programme area, click here: Cultural Entrepreneurship, Cultural Heritage and Cultural Cooperation
Arts Council Norway – Donor Programme Partner
Arts Council Norway continues to have a key role in the EEA and Norway Grants as a Donor Programme Partner (DPP). Arts Council Norway is a DPP in the cultural programmes of the following eight countries: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Slovakia. ee
Read more about each programme here (in Norwegian).
Arts Council Norway has taken on the role of DPP to help ensure that the programmes are relevant for the cultural sector in Norway and – further to this – ensure the participation of the Norwegian cultural actors in projects.
Why cultural cooperation?
With support from the EEA and Norway Grants, cultural actors in the beneficiary countries can implement projects in collaboration with a Norwegian partner. The cultural sector is an important part the economy in Norway as well as in other European countries. Cultural activities are an important driver for job creation and provide opportunities in local communities. Through exchange of experience, best practice and networking, Norwegian and European cultural entities can increase their competences and enrich their surroundings.
Cultural cooperation through the EEA and Norway Grants will contribute to promoting cultural dialogue and European identity through strengthening the understanding of cultural diversity. In addition, one or more of these sub-goals is emphasised:
- Communicate contemporary art and culture to a wider audience
- Increase understanding of cultural diversity and strengthening of intercultural dialogue
- Enhance cultural entrepreneurship
The Directorate General for Cultural Heritage is the DPP for the cultural heritage component of the culture programmes where there are also several opportunities for cooperation.
Partnership countries
Norwegian cultural actors can cooperate with cultural actors in the following countries: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Slovakia. They can also cooperate on cultural heritage projects in Estonia.
Arts Council Norway, as the Norwegian contact point for the culture programmes, can assist Norwegian culture entities in the different phases of the process.
Who can participate in projects?
Any artist and cultural actor, public or private, volunteer organisations within culture, government agencies and institutions based in Norway can participate in projects. They can be:
- cultural institutions, such as culture houses, museums, theatres, galleries, art halls, libraries, archives, ensembles/orchestras; artists representing, among others, such fields of art as visual arts, music, dance, theater, circus, puppetry, street art, literature and art criticism;
- cultural entrepreneurs, including, inter alia, persons or entities operating in the cultural industry / creative sector and dealing, for instance, with management, festivals, photography, architecture, fashion and design;
- institutions dealing with cultural education and cultural research, including individual experts in this area;
- schools and youth centers focusing on the cultural dimension;
- municipalities and regions;
- networks of cultural and creative entities, creative centers;
- umbrella organizations for artistic/cultural sectors and actors;
- cultural heritage entities, including those active in the field of crafts, archaeology, landscape.
Norwegian cultural actors considering joining a collaborative project should be aware that the programmes may be different for each project, often varying in application processes, size of funds and requirements for Norwegian partners. It is important that the partner in Norway is familiarise themselves with the terms before they sign a project contract with their partner. The terms that apply in each country are published on the homepage of the individual programme, often together with the call text.
When will the calls be launched?
The calls will be published from spring 2019 until 2021. The number of calls per programme will vary from each country. All projects are to be completed by April 2024.
The calls will be published on Arts Council Norway's website, as well as on the national website of the programme in question.
What kind of projects are eligible?
Cooperation is possible within all forms for art and culture, including:
- Co-production of all forms of art
- Touring exhibition and tours/concerts
- Creative placemaking
- Cultural entrepreneurship
- Competence building
- Audience development
- The role of art in society
- Art criticism
Thea Breivik:
EEA and Norway Grants coordinator, Latvia and Poland
Rannveig Solumsmoen Gimse:
EEA and Norway Grants, Bulgaria, Lithuania and Portugal
Anna Benedicte Stigen:
EEA and Norway Grants, Romania and the Czech Republic
Kristine Lunde-Tellefsen:
EEA and Norway Grants, Slovakia
Further information
More information can also be found on the Norwegian Government's website